Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

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Besart Kadia – Deputy Minister in the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Besart Kadia completed his studies at Radley College (2002-2004) United Kingdom and then attended the University of Bristol (2004-2007), United Kingdom, in Economics and Politics (Bachelor) and Economics and Finance ( MSc) University of Bristol (2008-2009). He has worked as a lecturer at the European University of Tirana since 2009 as part of the Brain Gain Program in Albania and completed his doctoral studies focused on Institutional Transformation in Eastern Europe at the European University of Tirana (2014-2017). During the years 2009-2013 he was the national coordinator for the Regional Program for the Promotion of Scientific Research directed by the University of Friborg in Switzerland mandated by the Swiss Development Cooperation dedicated to the promotion of young researchers in the social sciences in Albania. During 2011 he worked as a Trainer in Financial Mathematics for Procredit Bank and has experience as an auditor for Ernst and Young Assurance and Business Advisory Services (2007-2008). During 2013-2017 he was the Executive Director of the Foundation for Economic Freedom engaging in scientific research and promoting libertarian ideas in Albania through publications, conferences and trainings. In this period he became part of the Atlas Network in Washington DC and was awarded the Smith Fellowship in 2016. He also served as the national coordinator for the Austrian Economic Center during the years 2005-2020 for the European Free Market Road Show initiative.

Besart Kadia has worked on various projects in Albania on issues such as: Annual Competition Report directed by USAID / Albanian Center for International Trade; The Future of Public Service Broadcasting in the Western Balkans Perspective and development of public service media: The case of Albania led by the SCOPES program, Swiss National Science Foundation / Analytica Center; Local4Green / Analysis of the Implementation of tax reliefs or exemptions from taxes and fees for municipalities that include or use energy from renewable sources from the European Regional Development Fund; Study on Functional Areas in Albania Research and analysis of data on functional areas of LGUs in Durrës District from the Decentralization and local development program, Study of the benefits and costs of the EU integration process for Albania by the Open Society Foundation for Albania etc. He is also the author of several articles in academic journals and the author of the Political Thriller “The Old Game”.