Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The Berlin Process is an initiative aimed at increasing regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and providing assistance for the integration of the BP countries into the European Union. It was launched and launched on August 28, 2014, by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The goals of the Process were described in the Final Declaration by the German Presidency: “To make additional real progress in the reform process, in solving outstanding bilateral and internal issues and in achieving reconciliation within and between societies in the region”, as well as to increase “regional economic cooperation and lay the foundations for sustainable growth”.

The Berlin Process is being developed with the support of the European Commission, international financial institutions and the member states involved in the Process – Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and the United Kingdom together with the countries of the Western Balkans. It is an additional aid to the institutional process of EU integration of the states, based on the approval of the acquis-communautaire.

The connectivity agenda of the Process refers to human exchanges (social dimension), economic cooperation (economic dimension) and political cooperation (political dimension) of the region. Within this agenda, the Berlin Process has had agreements and projects in the fields of transport and infrastructure, economic cooperation, youth cooperation and cooperation between businesses and between civil societies of the Western Balkans. Within the framework of the Berlin process, the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), the Investment Forum of the Western Balkan Chambers (WBCIF) have been created, which are indisputable achievements of the Berlin Process.

Also, the creation of the Green Corridors and the Roaming Agreement (implementation started on July 1, 2021) are important achievements of regional cooperation within the Berlin process. At the July 2021 Berlin Process Summit, the idea of green corridors between the Western Balkans and the EU was approved in principle. It was also decided to draw up the Roaming Agreement between BP countries and the EU, for the reduction of roaming charges.

In addition to meetings of the highest government officials (Summit), the Berlin Process includes meetings of representatives of regional civil society organizations (Civil Society Forum), youth organizations (Youth Forum) and business associations (Business Forum).

1- The Summit of the Berlin Process: Annual meetings of the Prime Ministers and other high dignitaries of the countries of the Western Balkans with their counterparts from the European Union and the Member States participating in the Process.
2- Civil Society Forum: A platform through which the civil society of the Western Balkans provides input to the Berlin Process, elaborating important regional issues and policies and monitoring progress in realizing the goals and initiatives of the Process. Annual and interim meetings, and an online consultation interface, provide opportunities for extensive consultative processes and for expert-recommended formulation of policy recommendations for decision-makers in the region. The Civil Society Forum is coordinated by the European Fund for the Balkans.
3- Business Forum: A forum that brings together representatives of businesses and their associations from all over the Western Balkans with prominent economists and decision-makers from the region, the EU and the Member States. The forum serves as a platform for examining regional challenges and opportunities and for launching joint initiatives.
4- Youth Forum: A platform for exchange and dialogue, where young people, youth organizations, academies and decision-makers from the Western Balkans and EU Member States discuss common challenges and work towards finding common solutions

Common Regional Market

After the completion of MAP-REA 2017-2020, the Common Regional Market (CRM) was drafted in 2021, which is being implemented by WB6 in cooperation with RCC and CEFTA. The Region’s efforts to reform the Common Regional Market (CRM) agenda are widely recognized and supported, including the recent Berlin Process Summit in July 2021, where leaders supported further progress in regional cooperation through the Common Regional Market, the Green Agenda and the Berlin Process.

Areas where CRM operates

1. regional trade area: free movement of goods, services, capital and people,
2. regional investment area,
3. regional digital area,
4. regional industrial and innovative areas

Agreements signed at the last Summit of the Berlin Process

1. On the freedom of movement of citizens of BP countries;
2. Agreement on the recognition of academic qualifications;
3. Agreement on the mutual recognition of the professional qualifications of medical doctors, dentists and architects in the context of the CEFTA agreement.

CRM Process Agreements
1. On the freedom of movement of citizens of third countries;