Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) remains the most important political forum in South East Europe, aiming at cooperation for peace, security, stability, economic, political and social development of all the countries of the region.

Considering regional cooperation and integration as a prerequisite for integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures, SEECP is a unique process, founded on the initiative of the countries of the region themselves, whose voice is unified for common problems in the process of development and integration in the European family.

The beginnings of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) date back to June 1996, with the Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Southeast Europe, which was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, with the aim of promoting and strengthening good neighborly relations and transforming the region into an area of peace, security, and stability.

Albania is an active member of this regional organization and aims to strengthen political dialogue, good neighborliness, cooperation in all areas of regional interest, increased security, etc.

SEECP consists of 12 member countries such as: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey.

Main objectives of SEECP

The primary objective of the SEECP is to strengthen good neighborly relations between the countries of the region, transforming the region into an area of peace, security, stability and cooperation, through the spirit of solidarity and for the benefit of the citizens of the countries of the region.
Secondly, the creation of a Southeast Europe, whose future is projected in peace, democracy, economic prosperity and integration in European and Euro-Atlantic structures, being committed to the continuation of democratic and economic reforms in the respective countries.
Thirdly, the responsibility of the countries of the region and their willingness to work closely with the international community in order to develop and implement common strategies for regional stability, to respond to new security challenges and eliminate root causes, such as strengthening international solidarity, which includes participation in conflict prevention, crisis management activities, support for peace operations undertaken by international community organizations, especially within the framework of the UN, NATO, OSCE, and Euro institutions. -Atlantic.
Increasing economic cooperation, through bilateral and multilateral cooperation, between the region and the rest of Europe, which constitutes an essential dimension of good neighborly relations, security and stability.
Expanding cooperation in the field of human dimension, democracy, justice and the fight against illegal activities.

Structure and operation of SEECP

The meeting of the Heads of State and Government, of SEECP member countries, is held once a year, and is chaired by the head of state or government that has the next presidency.

The meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs is held at least once a year and is chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country that has the next chair.

The meeting of the Committee of Political Directors, where the Political Directors of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs participate and is chaired by the political representative of the country that has the next chair.

The troika, which aims to continue the activities of SEECP, is formed by representatives of the next Presidency, the past one and the one that will follow.

The Secretariat is constituted under the presidency of the country holding the next presidency.

SEECP decision-making is done by consensus and every year, at the end of the SEECP meetings, the SEECP Political Declaration is produced.

The SEECP chair is for one year. Albania chaired this organization in the period 2001-2002. Starting from July 2013, the SEEC presidency is exercised by Romania for a period of one year.

The need for the organizational strengthening of the SEECP, in order to preserve and develop its institutional memory, has led to the creation of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), which is the operational arm of the SEECP.