Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Shqipëria në OSBE

Albania became part of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE – at that time CSCE) during the proceedings of the Ministerial Council of Berlin (19-20 June 1991). The Helsinki Final Act was signed on 16 September 1991, by the...

Shqipëria në kuadër të UNESCO

UNESCO (Organizata Arsimore, Shkencore dhe Kulturore e Organizatës së Kombeve të Bashkuara) u krijua më 16 nëntor 1945. Misioni kryesor i UNESCO-s është të kontribuojë në ndërtimin e një kulture të paqes, çrrënjosjes së varfërisë, z...

Këshilli i Evropës dhe Shqipëria

Albania and the Council of Europe Albania has functioned as a pluralistic parliamentary democracy since spring elections of 1991. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe sent for the first time observers to this election. Based on the con...

Bashkëpunimi Shqipëri – KiE

The Cooperation Document is a strategic and sectorial instrument that allows for access to a comprehensive and contemporary cooperation and aims to support the country in meeting its obligations in accordance with European standards in the field of h...

BE/KiE Horizontal Facility për Ballkanin Perëndimor dhe Turqinë

The Horizontal Instrument for the Western Balkans and Turkey is a co-operation initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe for Southeast Europe. Measures under the HF are mainly funded by the EU (85%) and co-financed (15%) and implemen...


The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) works to offer the best expertise and support to the different human rights monitoring mechanisms in the United Nations system. The High Commissioner for Human Rights is the principal human...

Këshilli i të Drejtave të Njeriut

The UN Human Rights Council (HRC) replaced in 2006 the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (1946), reconciled with the Economic and Social Council, which was the main intergovernmental body of the United Nations, responsible for human rights. T...

Shqipëria kontribuese ne politikat e OKB

The United Nations Organization (UN) is the largest international/intergovernmental organization in the world, with the main purposes to maintain peace and security, develop relations among nations, foster cooperation between nations to solve economi...