Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Fjala e lamtumirës nga detyra e Ministrit Bushati

MEFA, 23 January 2019 Ladies and gentlemen, Today, as I was walking into this building for the last time as Foreign Minister, I realized that I would no longer be part of its daily life, but I am lucky that I am going to be a part of its history. The...

Fjala e ministrit për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme, Ditmir Bushati, mbajtur në seminarin me temë: “Impakti i negociatave të anëtarësimit në punën e autoriteteve dhe ministrive relevante në një vend negociues- Mësime të nxjerra nga Republika e Kroacisë”

Dear Christian, Dear Luigi, Dear deputy ministers and dear friends from Brussels attending this meeting. I would like to start by thanking the European Commission, especially the EC team and the Albanian team working on “the screening process”, w...