Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

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On the occasion of the 8th March, International Women’s Day, the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs organized the event on “The Role of Albanian Women in State-Building, Modernization and Europeanization of Albania”.

Representatives of civil society, the academia, members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Albania, ministers, politicians, diplomats, students of international relations participated in this event.

Its purpose was to raise awareness on women’s rights in the society, strengthening their role and gender quality, embodied in the current policies of the Albanian government and in the commitment to embrace European values in the process of membership, towards the negotiations.

In his introductory remark, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati, addressed the crucial role of women in the political, economic and cultural life of the country, emphasizing the necessity to engage Albanian society and to give them greater opportunities that they deserve.

According to the Minister, “We cannot deny the fact that our debate on figures for the representation of women in public life has not yet managed to penetrate the backbone of society.

Furthermore, in his remark, Minister Bushati stressed that “woman is the backbone of society. This is a debate about Albania that we have in mind and the country that we want to leave to other generations.”
The Former MP Majlinda Bregu focused on the role of women in society and their strong link with European integration. “We, all together, from our positions, should strive to bring a new agenda for women and girls in Albania. We must gather and find brilliant ideas for supporting women in need, victims of violence. ”

In her speech, the Dutch Ambassador, Dewi Van De Weerd, spoke on women’s rights, stating  that in Albania she has faced a strong society that has made steps to improve gender equality. She said that women’s positive role is essential to the emancipation of our world and for that purpose she has worked with different Albanian actors.

Croatian Ambassador Sanja Bujas-Juraga made a statement on gender equality in Croatia, citing the importance of undertaking concrete steps for a true full-fledged society for every woman.

MP Eglantina Gjermeni called for the empowerment of the role of women in decision-making, enabling the disclosure of all their potential. On this purpose, she said, the state and the government have a great deal of responsibility.

Professor Nevila Nika conveyed messages of historical values of prominent Albanian women, based on the Albanian archive.

Eventually, the participants were invited to the open exhibition, at the MEPJ premises, with photographs of Albanian women during the history and documents of the Albanian Telegraphic Agency, the Central State Archives (AQSH), and the MEFA Archives, which demonstrate the role of Albanian women in diplomacy.