Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The 2018 generation of young diplomats who joined the Diplomatic Career System has performed the Oath Taking ceremony, held at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, and attended by Acting Minister Gent Cakaj.

Baptized under the name “Fan Noli” generation, young diplomats swore in the presence of colleagues from the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and their family members. The ceremony was attended and welcomed by Mr. Arjan Starova, former Foreign Minister and President of the North Atlantic Club, invited by Albanian MEFA as a mentor of the young generation of diplomats who swore on the occasion of the beginning of their diplomatic career.

According to Acting Minister Cakaj, these diplomats are the generation that will face the major political and diplomatic challenges of Albania over the years as they will face an indisputable volume of historical work and an extraordinary professional responsibility.

In his opening remark, the Acting Minister stressed out that “This generation will be directly engaged in the challenges to make Albania as a whole Europe itself and to lead the integration process.” He mentioned the important role of this generation in direct engagement on Albania’s historic leadership in the OSCE or in the common challenge to secure the seat of a non-permanent member of the Security Council in 2022.

Underscoring the necessity of strengthening the diplomatic system, based on diplomatic ranks and professional merits, Acting Minister Cakaj guaranteed the ongoing support of the ministry, government and institutions of Albania to give priority to career diplomats.

The Oath Taking ceremony of young diplomats established a tradition for Albanian diplomacy.

The first generation of young diplomats was the one of 2015, named “Skanderbeg Command”. The 2016 generation came under the name of “Rauf Fico”, following the 2017 generation named “Ismail Qemali”.