Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

In the course of the OSCE Informal Ministerial Gathering held in Slovakia, Acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Gent Cakaj has received support from Austria, Spain, and Sweden for the opening of negotiations for Albania by the European Union.

Regarding his meeting with the Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs of Austria, Alexander Schallenberg, Cakaj states that two important issues to Albania were discussed:  the EU enlargement perspective in the Western Balkans along with Albania’s ambition to receive a positive reply in October, and Albania’s preparations for its OSCE succeeding chairmanship.

Austrian Minister Schallenberg assured Acting Minister Cakaj of Austria’s firm support for the opening of negotiations for Albania by the EU, pointing out that Albania has taken all the required actions, and is ready to start negotiations with the European Union.

Likewise, he assured Cakaj that Austria will be a strong and firm supporter of Albania so as to ensure that a positive decision is taken in the Council’s upcoming meeting in October.

Cakaj thanked Minister Schallenberg for Austria’s assistance in the framework of Albania’s preparations for its OSCE succeeding chairmanship.

During his stay in High Tatras, Slovakia, Cakaj had a meeting with the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation Josep Borrell, who recognised Albania’s efforts and commitment to meet the conditions for the start of negotiations.

Borrell assured Cakaj of Spain’s support for the launch of negotiations for Albania by the EU, thus stating the Spanish stance that the Western Balkans must as soon as possible become part of the European Union.

In the course of the meeting, Cakaj confirmed that Albania has fulfilled the technical conditions for such negotiations to start, and is convinced that the opening of negotiations for Albania by the EU is well-deserved.

With reference to Albania’s OSCE succeeding chairmanship, Cakaj informed his Spanish counterpart that it has built solid cooperation with many Member States so as to earnestly deliver the task of chairmanship, and in full support of the Organisation’s agenda.

The meeting between Cakaj and the Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister for Nordic Cooperation, Margot Wallström, centred around the reforms accomplished by Albania.

Wallström also acknowledged the smooth running of elections in Albania, thus confirming the solid support for the opening of negotiations. She encouraged the continuation of the reforms.

On his part, Cakaj stated that a positive decision will help enhance Albania’s commitment to carry on with the reforms. Acting Minister Cakaj said that Albania has effected an unprecedented justice reform, and is determined to continue the implementation of reforms.