Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The United Nations Organization (UN) is the largest international/intergovernmental organization in the world, with the main purposes to maintain peace and security, develop relations among nations, foster cooperation between nations to solve economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian international problems and provide a forum for bringing countries together to meet the UN’s purposes and goals. It was founded shortly after the World War II, on 24 October 1945, as an initiative of the allies of World War II, with an aim to enable dialogue between the countries of the world due to its unique international character, and take action on the issues confronting humanity

During the Cold War, the UN has played a major role in reducing conflicts in a polarized world. Despite major changes in the world, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and contemporary challenges facing the international community the UN has been able to maintain its authority amid the difficulties. In an increasingly fragmented world, the need of a stronger UN advancing and pushing forward for multilateralism is more crucial than ever. Complex crises such as COVID 19 can be successfully prevented and/or addressed only by working and interacting together based on clear and general accepted rules. They require a reinvigorated multilateral system based on universal rules.

The commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the UN constituted a unique moment to reaffirm the engagement and commitment of the UN and its membership to its values and principles.

Undoubtedly, Albania’s accession to the United Nations on December 14, 1955, constitutes a historical landmark. Shortly after joining the UN, Albania participated actively in the work of UN organs and specialized agencies. Albania holds permanent diplomatic missions at the UN headquarters in New York and the UN Offices in Geneva and Vienna.

During its membership in the United Nations, Albania has paid particular attention to issues related to the preservation of peace and strengthening of security worldwide, the promotion and protection of human rights, alleviating economic and social problems, promotion of health and environmental protection and strengthening of international cooperation and promotion of multilateralism.

Albania has been actively supporting the UN peacekeeping efforts. It takes part in several UN peacekeeping operations by contributing with troops, military and police observers as well as contributing with funds to the budget of peacekeeping operations.

Albania’s UN activity is an important element of our international and multilateral political action, in partnership with our strategic friends and allies. Co-operation with the UN and its agencies has been extensive and successful in many areas.

Albania was twice elected member of ECOSOC for the period 2005-07 and the period 2013-15. During 2013 Albania has also contributed to ECOSOC as the Vice-President of the Economic and Social Council.

Albania is part of the “One UN” pilot country that is implementing the reform of the United Nations. The international conference “Delivering as One”, held in Tirana from 27-29 June 2012, praised Albania’s experience in this regard.

Since January 2011 Albania is a member of the Executive Board of UN-HABITAT.

Albania was elected in April 2011 to the UNICEF Executive Board for the term 2012 – 2014 and the UNEP Executive Board for the period 2012-15.

Albania has concluded a successful mandate in the Human Rights Council for the period 2015-2017. Albania was a member of the Women’s Status Committee (CSW) for the period 2016-2019.

Albania signed the Paris Climate Change Agreement on April 22, 2016, ratified it on July 14, 2016, and deposited the instrument of ratification with the UN Secretary-General in September 2016, becoming one of the 55 first states undertaking this step. Since November 2016, this agreement is in force for Albania.

Albania is committed in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030, and is among the few countries in the world, part of the UN pilot program, for the implementation of Objective 16, which has to do with the strengthening of democratic institutions in the country, the rule of law, the development of a stable market economy and respect for human rights. Albania is working to co-ordinate the Sustainable Development Goals with those of European Integration. One of Albania’s objectives is to fulfill its commitment, within the resolution A/RES/70/1 “Transforming the World: Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development”, for a volunteer presentation at UN forums in July 2018.

Albania, in the status of a member of the UNDP / UNFPA / UNOPS Executive Board, has been mainly focused on drafting the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan for these agencies. Albania’s UN Representative held the post of Vice President of the Executive Board of the UN Development Program, Population Fund and UNDP / UNOPS for the year 2018, what is evidence of engagement of the country for a more active role within the UN development agencies, in particular, of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. During 2017, Albania ran and won a second term as a member of the UNESCO Executive Board for the period 2017-2021.

In June 2020, Albania was elected Vice-President of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, thus, getting itself, as well, a seat in the Committee of Conferences for 2021. Albania (Permanent Representative) did not serve as a Vice- President of UNGA since the 50th Session of UNGA in 1995. This is the second time, that Albania takes over such an important seat on behalf of the Eastern European Group.

Albania will serve as a non-permanent member of the Security Council for the period 2022-2023. Albania’s bid for membership in the most important body of the UN is a major goal of Albanian foreign policy and a testimony of our commitment to multilateralism. As a non-permanent member of the UNSC, starting from January 2021, Albania stands ready to offer its contribution into the service of peace and security, human rights and sustainable international development.