Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhaçka, welcomed the Secretary of Vatican for Relations with States and International Organizations, H.E Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher.

Minister Xhaçka appreciated the Holy See stance for peace in Ukraine, and underlined the need for the Holy See’s contribution to the security and stability of the region.

“The appointment of Don Ernest Troshani as Honorary Cardinal in the Vatican is a clear sign of appreciation and a positive signal for the intensification of our relations. Religious coexistence is a historical fact of all Albanians and we feel proud every day for this value of our nation”, said chief diplomat Xhaçka during the joint press statement.

Minister Xhaçka and Secretary Gallagher shared the same views to further intensify the bilateral cooperation between Albania and the Vatican in the fields of education, culture and health.

They confirmed the possibility of a cooperation agreement with the “Bambin Gesù” Pediatric Hospital, for the treatment of urgent cases and the healing of complex diseases of Albanian children, an important indicator of relations with the Vatican.

Furthermore, Secretary Gallagher appreciated the steps taken by Albania in its journey towards the EU.

“The holding of the first Albania-EU Intergovernmental Conference was a very important step for the country and for the entire Western Balkans region. We are convinced that we will continue to give our support for the complete unity of the entire European sphere, taking into account recent developments such as the war in Ukraine and its impact on the region,” he said.

The visit of Secretary Gallagher to Tirana is an expression of the Holy See’s willingness for the development and intensification of a high-level dialogue with Albania.