Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhaçka, presented to the Foreign Policy Commission in the Albanian Parliament the draft budget of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs for the year 2022.

Minister Xhaçka highlighted that the draft budget of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs for 2022 marks a significant increase of 17%, compared to that of 2021.

“The draft budget of 2022 has as its main goal the fulfillment of the objectives of the Government Program, the National Strategy for Development and Integration and the National Plan for European Integration. The primary objective remains the start of the negotiations for EU membership. The draft budget for 2022 will allow us to actualize the important priorities such as: to convene the first Intergovernmental Conference for Albania’s membership in the EU as well as the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between Albania and the EU, etc.

“The mandate in the Security Council represents a major challenge but also an excellent opportunity. Strengthening relations with the countries of the region remains of unchanged important policy for us”, said the Albanian chief diplomat during her speech.

Minister Xhaçka stated that starting from 2022, the agenda for the diaspora will be included within the scope of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. As a result, all the special agencies dealing with the implementations of the policies for the diaspora will come together under the jurisdiction of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.