Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Signing ceremony of Host Country Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Albania and RYCO takes place at MEFA

Bushati: “Our Youth is our unique resource and potential towards building the only model of peace and cooperation we’ve chosen to adhere: European Union”

Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati and Secretary general of Regional Youth Cooperation Ceneter, Djuro Blanusa signed the Host Country Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Albania and RYCO. “Todays’ event marks a key moment into making RYCO the best example of a genuine contribution that Albania is providing at the regional level” – Minister Bushati voiced.

Full remarks of Minister Ditmir Bushati on the occasion of Host Country Agreement signing ceremony with RYCO


Ladies and Gentleman, friends of this house

Dear Djuro,

It is a pleasure to welcome you all on the occasion of the Host Agreement Signing Ceremony between the Government of the Republic of Albania and Regional Youth Cooperation Office.

Todays’ event marks a key moment into making RYCO the best example of a genuine contribution that Albania is providing at the regional level. As the host of RYCO and also Western Balkans Fund, we’ve shown commitment and resolve to subscribe to the most transformative course the region has undergone in the last years thanks to Berlin Process.

Yesterday, at the PM’s Meeting in Durres on the economic integration of the region, there was one component which came first and was the bottom-line of all speeches and concept notes: Opportunities for our youths. How to make our countries worth of our youth? How to keep them here, at home and at the same time, how to give them more opportunities to know the big world and how to know Europe, of which they are part.

This interaction between us, this important conversation started back in 2014 at Berlin, but is now taking us here at home, in our region.

RYCO was modelled in the spirit and vision of Franco-German Youth Office, aiming to irradiate through people to people ties and exchanges the best genuine values that lay at today’s Europe very fundament.

Bridging better knowledge of each-other in the Region means first and foremost overcoming the painful legacies and animosities, healing wounds and prejudices, but also taking decisive steps for reconciliation, understanding and societal development. But healing does not mean forgetting: on the contrary. Hence, part of the mission of RYCO is to bring more awareness to national and local histories for our young people. This is a crucial and emancipating duty of us as politicians and of RYCO as a unique platform of interaction, exchange and dialogue.

Our Youth is our unique resource and potential towards building the only model of peace and cooperation we’ve chosen to adhere: European Union.

Such mission is not easy task at these challenging times: The rise of populism, xenophobia, illiberal policies and disruptive propaganda seem very often to counterbalance an outward rather than an inward outlook into our European path.

Nevertheless, RYCO is a living proof that cooperation is more beneficial that lack of engagement. Our serious and continued efforts with the purpose of fostering regional cooperation and good neighborly relations in the Western Balkans, despite all odds.

Its creation was a result of WB6 governments’ shared political will, but also of the precious help of our European partners, such as France and Germany. Their mentorship and financial backing has been instrumental for RYCO’s success. I take this opportunity to thank them for the support they have been providing so far.

It is rewarding to witness that our common efforts have already paid off.

Today RYCO is fully functional and pertinent projects are being put in place in view of pursuing goals of regional cooperation in key areas such as promoting mobility, exchanges, with priority on youth, gender equality and sustainable development.

Together with the signing of the Host Country Agreement, let me reassure you all on the unreserved and continued support of the Albanian Government and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs not only in terms of reinforcing RYCO’s operational capacities, but also with regard to advancing its mission, so that it continues to make a positive difference in our region.

We look forward to RYCO’s growing activity through active involvement into the European agenda in the region and also by fostering partnerships with the European institutions and other relevant stakeholders.

Last but not least, I would like to commend Secretary General and RYCO Secretariat team for the great job they have been doing so far.

Thank you.