The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhaçka, met today with the Minister of State for European Affairs of Ireland, Thomas Byrne and the Minister for European Affairs and Property of Finland, Tytti Tuppurainen.
Minister Xhaçka thanked them for the unwavering support that both countries have shown on Albania’s path towards EU integration.
“We all agree that European integration is one of the main tasks that Europe must fulfill at this moment. The Western Balkans is of strategic importance for our continent. It is part of Europe and part of the European family. For this reason, intensive dialogue and joint regional initiatives, such as the Berlin Process or the Open Balkans, should be a priority”, mentioned Minister Xhaçka during the press conference.
In his statement Minister Byrne stated that “Albania has shown great patience and great generosity in this process and I hope that if the negotiations can be opened this week, then we will be able to work at another level in the future as you continue your work on the rule of law, on media freedom as well as the economy.”
He praised Albania’s work in the United Nations Security Council, considering that Ireland is also non-permanent member of the UNSC for 2021-2022.
Meanwhile, Minister Tuppurainen stated that Finland is one of the biggest supporters of EU expansion and that during Finland’s presidency they did their best to open negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia.
“The start of the negotiations remains a key priority for us and I think we are at a historic moment and I am very optimistic and we can all hope that the negotiations will open,” said Minister Tuppurainen.
The Ministers’ visit to Tirana comes as part of a tour on the Western Balkan countries, where they previously visited North Macedonia and Kosovo.