Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, chaired the United Nations Security Council High Level Open Debate on Advancing public-private humanitarian partnership.

Minister Hasani presented the initiative of Albania for establishment of a Private Sector Humanitarian Alliance, aiming to mobilize resources more efficiently so that the necessary aid can flow through their existing channels and mechanisms of these sectors.

“We believe that advancing this idea of a public-private humanitarian partnership is not only necessary but the right thing to do! We look forward to the consolidation of the Alliance and its work in the months and years ahead to the benefit of a better response to the growing needs worldwide. By working together, we can maximize the impact of assistance, save more lives, and build resilient communities in the face of adversity”. emphasized Minister Hasani

During his stay in New York, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani will have bilateral meetings with counterparts and representatives  from member countries of the Security Council  focusing on Western Balkans, peace and security.