Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati took part in the Regional Forum of OSCE Heads of Missions in South Eastern Europe, which was organized under the auspices of the OSCE Secretary General, Thomas Greminger, in Durrës, on May 30, 2018.

The aim of this meeting was to address the challenges the OSCE faces in the regional security structure and improve the organization’s capacity to fulfil its role and mandate in the Western Balkans, as well as to strengthen cooperation among regional countries in security areas.

In his remarks, Minister Bushati commended the role OSCE has played through its Presence in Albania by supporting and promoting a series of reforms in the country, in areas such as justice, public administration, good governance, electoral reform, the fight against organized crime, corruption and protection of fundamental rights, etc.

Regarding Albania’s EU membership process, Minister Bushati said that after receiving the European Commission’s unconditional recommendation to open negotiations with Albania and after the Council’s decision, Albania will continue to deepen reforms and approximate Albanian legislation to that of the European Union. Albania and other countries in the region that are in the process of EU membership need the support and contribution of the OSCE. The EU Enlargement Strategy published a few months ago, as well as the Sofia Summit devoted due attention to the Balkan region, and the OSCE could also play its role, said Minister Bushati.

The Albanian minister also emphasized Albania’s contribution to the important challenges faced by the OSCE, such as the fight against terrorism, violent extremism, cybercrime, interconnectivity and cooperation, which have a significant impact on strengthening peace and security in the region. There cannot be a sustainable region without the contribution of each country, Minister Bushati said, thus Kosovo should be part of the contributions within OSCE policies, as well as part of its forums. Minister Bushati brought to attention the positive regional practices for exchange and cooperation in economy, trade, infrastructure, youth, women in decision-making, journalists, etc.

The OSCE Secretary General, present at this regional forum, Thomas Greminger, thanked Minister Bushati for addressing important issues for the region, but also for OSCE missions in these countries. He emphasized that partnership and dialogue are the pillars to support regional cooperation among SEE countries, and only through cooperation, interconnectivity, exchange of expertise among regional countries, in the framework of the OSCE, can they face their challenges, as well as the other countries of the organization, in order to ensure peace and sustainable development. Greminger said the OSCE will support the aspirations of the Western Balkan countries towards their EU membership.