Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs


Russia is a transcontinental country that includes Eastern Europe and North Asia. It is the largest country in the world by area, covering over 17,125,191 square kilometers and comprising one-eighth of the habitable earth mass of land. It is a semi-presidential federal state and consists of 83 federal entities with varying degrees of self-government.


Bilateral cooperation with Russia, especially in recent years, is very weak. Bilateral contacts Albania – Russia were developed on the basis of diplomatic consultations between MFA officials.


The main lines of cooperation with the Russian Federation are the areas of mutual interest, the economic sphere where the parties have mutual interest, education, culture, sports, tourism.

Tourism is an area of ​​interest for cooperation with Russia, where Albania has much to offer. The Albanian government has abolished visas for Russian tourists for several years, an action taken by our country and expresses our will to facilitate cooperation between the two countries.

Based on the DCM no. 858, dated 29.12.2021 “On determining the criteria, procedures and documentation for entry, stay and treatment of foreigners in the Republic of Albania”, Russia is on the list of countries where its citizens enter the Republic of Albania without a visa for tourist reasons, with a passport document, for a limited period from 1 May to 30 September.