Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Kosovo has been and continues to be the a main objective of Albanian diplomatic efforts, according to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani, who made this statement in the Parliament during his address in favor of the draft resolution supporting Kosova.

The Albanian Chief diplomat condemned the September 24 attack in Kosova, as he underlined that the Kosova – Serbia dialogue remains the only solution for overcoming the situation created in the region.

Full speech:

Dear Speaker of the Parliament

Dear Members of the Parliament

Highlighting one thing from the start is that Albania has always placed Kosovo at the forefront of its diplomatic efforts and will do so in the future as well. Since we are two states but the same nation, we consist of two states but one area of expanding safety and unbroken democratic progress, it is impossible for things to be any other way.

The main priorities of our foreign policy are to support Kosova’s membership in Euro-Atlantic institutions, ensure stability and security, support its membership in international organizations, raise its profile as an equal international entity, help it expand its international recognition geographically, and strengthen overall ever closer cooperation.

Our diplomacy has worked and continues to work diligently and clearly in this direction and has this dimension at the forefront of its priorities and daily activities.

Kosova is on our agenda in every meeting, whether bilateral or multilateral, in the NATO, the OSCE, in the European Council where the membership of Kosova is being considered, in the UN, and especially during the last two years in its highest instance in the Security Council.

Albania emerged victorious from its election to the Human Rights Council two days ago, blocking Russia’s path to candidacy. With outstanding work, Albania has now achieved not only another major objective in our international actions, but it has also simultaneously maintained the UN and Human Rights Council’s credibility in the eyes of the global public opinion. Whenever there is a need, we will convey the voice of Kosova there.

Next week we will organize in New York, an Arria formula meeting of the Security Council dedicated to the impunity of crimes during the conflict. High representatives from Kosova will have the opportunity to share with the whole world, in the highest international forum, not only the painful experience of the women and girls of Kosova, victims of the barbaric attacks by Milosevic’s army but even also the necessity to do the utmost to bring the perpetrators to justice.

This is not just my truth, but also the truth of my predecessors and everyone else who has been honoured to work for and lead  the Ministry of Foreign Affairs over the years.

We do this in close cooperation and coordination with Kosova and our international partners  who share similar values, principles, and objectives for both bilateral and multilateral plans, we work closely together to coordinate and carry out this task.

Dear Members of Parliament

Even when all of us in this venue, our all of us on both sides of the border share the same objective, the same national interests. No one should be surprised or less be alarmed, that beyond the closeness in all fundamental issues, it happens that we have varying opinions on the methods and pace for achieving these goals.

This is natural and may I say even healthy because in every circumstance, the nuances regarding the most appropriate path or tactics in a moment in time, have never touched the essence of our common project, have never threatened the path towards strengthening the state and democracy of Kosova, open society, and the journey towards Euro – Atlantic integration.  Because these objectives are based on the close, brotherly, and untouchable relationship between our two countries and our societies. As a result, nobody should be intimidated by the debate, by the competition of ideas, by the expression of thoughts, not through Facebook posts but through fraternal sincerity for as long as at the core stands the national interest and our inviolable and unwavering will to support Kosova and to move forward.

We will not engage in a competition to see who is right, but we will never hesitate vigilant when examining faults or challenges. Especially, in those cases when we need to be attentive to the suggestions, advice, and recommendations of our partners who have stood by our side and helped us in our most critical and vital days. Those who are accompanying us on our journey towards a shared future, and those who their contributions, have made Albania and Kosova leap centuries in a few years.

Dear Members of Parliament

The criminal attack on September 24 was an alarm bell for all of us. Especially when the developments that happened after, are a source of great concern.

The fact that instead of undertaking a quick, serious and thorough investigation into that group, its connections, planning, financing and support, Serbia decided to hastily declare a mourning day for the three criminals, whose main goal was threatening through violence the order and safety of Kosova, it wasn’t just a bad signal but it was the most dangerous one that Serbia could have conveyed to the region and the whole Euro – Atlantic community.

It was a gesture that goes in the opposite direction of the efforts of the international community, EU, NATO and the USA in Kosova and the region. It even contradicts the statements made by Serbia itself for readiness for an agreement with a long-term solution.

When words don’t match with actions there’s a problem, and in this case a serious problem. Albania will never support and will firmly and forcefully oppose every action that would pour gas to the fire of the conflict.

Additionally, every attempt of Serbia or whoever else to undermine what happened on September 24, by constantly digging unrelated, painful events from our region’s history and equating them with a criminal attack against a democratic country that follows the rule of law, through the efforts of Kosova’s population to be liberated from the criminal decision of Milosevic, will not only be unjust, it will also be futile and will end in failure.

This is not just our opinion. During the Ministerial of the Foreign Ministers of the Berlin Process which was held the previous week in Tirana, the attack in Kosova was condemned as unacceptable and unproductive even by other participants in the process.

It is up to Serbia to start a thorough, serious and comprehensive investigation process and come to the necessary conclusions to bring the perpetrators to justice if they are genuinely interested as they stated for dialogue and for a solution

As there is an indisputable consensus, both from countries in the region and from partners, including the United States, the European Union, Germany, France, Italy and all those who are seriously interested in peace and stability, us that the only solution to overcome this situation and ensuring once and for all stability, peace and security in the region, like us they see it only in the dialogue!

The dialogue cannot and should not be hostage of internal dynamics, political games or short-term interests, because its progress and outcome are related not only to Kosova and Serbia, but also to the future of the entire region.

Therefore, we firmly believe that the dialogue should continue without wasting a single moment, because every lost moment is an incomparably higher price for Kosova and its future.

The extreme sensitivity, the fragility of the situation and the disagreements of the parties on specific issues should never be allowed to be exploited by those who are interested in the opposite.

Anyone who follows the international current affairs has it clear that the Western Balkans is not the only part of the world that needs help to finalize its future. But we, as responsible members of it, must understand that if we do not do our part, well and quickly, the attention of others to our concerns and troubles will not be endless.

Therefore, we think that what has been agreed so far in Brussels and Ohrid, which is quite a lot, should not be undone by foot-dragging or by a double discourse.

Dear Members of Parliament,

The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs will continue to work closely and uninterruptedly with Kosova, with its institutions and representatives, at all levels and in the multitude of issues of common interest, for the benefit of both countries, the national interest, but also to our common European future, seeing this cooperation as the biggest investment in good neighborly relations and the remarkable progress of the region towards the Euro-Atlantic family.

Thank you.