Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Mister President,

Culture is not an abstract notion, but rather an instrument to help us strike a balance, develop a sustainable form of dialogue and build a better society.

At its core, UNESCO is about preserving and fostering the cultural, educational and scientific ingredients of our societies. And by doing so, to build lasting peace and provide security to our peoples.

Albania has presented the draft resolution on the admission of Kosovo to UNESCO. This request is about making a further step away from the dividing lines and walls of the past. It is about inclusiveness.

It is our responsibility, as good neighbours, to always strengthen cooperation, as an instrument to foster security.

South-East Europe is today a much more stable, developed and integrated region than ever before.

Kosovo’s successful membership in major international bodies, such as the IMF and World Bank, and regional organisations has given a true meaning to the idea of regional cooperation.

Most recently, the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU has firmly anchored Kosovo into European waters. Therefore showing that peace is achieved through cooperation and inclusion, not isolation.

In this regard, I would like to draw your attention on the open letter recently sent by former UN Administrators of Kosovo. Clearly supportive of Kosovo’s UNESCO bid, they testify to the country’s tremendous progress thanks to the action and tenacity of the United Nations.

Many are also the voices in our region that express a clear support for Kosovo’s bid.

In fact, many of those voices are from Serbia,  such as the President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, highlighting that:

First: the integration of Kosovo into the international community has brought peace, stability and development in the region.

Second: Albanians and Serbs alike, deserve the chance to be better known, to interact with others and contribute to the promotion of mutual understanding and respect.

Our region is full of examples showing that when it comes to peace-building instruments, it is always necessary to go beyond stereotypes.

Creating an environment for efficient public policies, strictly monitored by jointly-agreed rules, is not only a matter of political will but also a matter of institutional legitimacy.

UNESCO would help Kosovo and its people address social and ethical challenges, foster cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.

Because UNESCO is a platform for discussion and dialogue. Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO will, without a doubt, create additional support for a better dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia.


A vote in favor of Kosovo joining UNESCO:

  • Is not a vote that would bring politics in UNESCO’s work;
  • It is not a request for recognition of its statehood, though a majority of this Organisation’s membership has already recognised Kosovo as an independent state.
  • It is not a request to join the United Nations, because that is a question for another place and another time.


Kosovo’s request to join UNESCO :

  • Is, first of all, about promoting universal values through education, science and culture.
  • Secondly, it is a vote that would grant Kosovo and its people full access to the valuable work of UNESCO.
  • And finally, it is a vote that would support UNESCO’s mission: building peace in the minds of men and women, through civilised dialogue;


Therefore, the real question today is:

Do we want to embrace a new member amongst us, in order to further promote peace and security, education and collaboration, human rights and religious harmony, in a region which until recently was plagued by wars, strife and tensions?

The answer can only be a resounding YES!

Dear friends, Albania calls on all the UNESCO member states to vote in favour of the request by Kosovo to join the UNESCO family!

Thank you!