Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Dear colleagues, members of the European and Albanian Parliaments,

It is a pleasure and a privilege for me to address today the 8th EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Agreement Parliamentary Committee meeting.

From a personal experience, this forum has shown the ability to rise above the daily political debates and clashes in critical moments for Albania, ensuring to provide a common platform of communication between the European Parliament and the Albanian Parliament with the aim of consolidating the European integration process.

The European Parliament has always been an active supporter in the efforts shown by Western Balkan countries towards their regional and European integration process.

Thanks to this support the Western Balkans has undergone important positive developments. However, ensuring security and democratic stability in the region should not be taken for granted.

This because, our region is still an area within Europe where there are disagreements and frozen democratic processes. We are at serious risk of jeopardising the futures of our citizens with the continuation of unresolved bilateral issues and state-building deficits.

A more recommitted strategy from the EU would be the only added motivation needed in the region towards better democratic processes and guaranteeing a safer more stable political and economic perspective.

On the other hand, if we start considering this kind of performance as “business as usual” there is a strong possibility that this will create a gap that could require a third party to fill, from which with economic and political incentives might be detrimental to the determination and interests of the region towards its European project.

This does not mean that we seek a “discounted ticket” towards the EU on the contrary, we seek a more predictable and reliable process.

From this standpoint, we see the “Berlin Process” as an opportunity to rejuvenate the membership process, enabling this process to be a tool that transforms the region into a prosperous, vibrant and democratic area.

As Chairman of the South East Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP) Albania’s main aim has been to strengthen and extend regional cooperation to all areas that enable growth, competitiveness, sustainability and economic consolidation.


Honourable Members,

In regards to Albania’s progress on reforms, our main focus remains on our key priorities. Thanks to the impressive results achieved and the positive energy created from being granted candidate status, we are further encouraged towards our next step.

The start of accession negotiations is our next main objective and it is an important challenge that will bring a greater focus internally for multiple engagements in the framework of the integration process.

We have expressed a willingness to discuss with the Commission for a timeframe and series of actions that will lead us towards a recommendation to begin negotiations.

The negotiations process is seen as more than just an instrument, it is a stage that in itself guarantees the progress of transformational reforms.

We are under no illusion; we have seen from the experience of observing other countries in the region and fully understand that, getting recommended for the EU status does not mean that accession talks automatically begin.

Precedents used in Montenegro or Serbia with intermediaries can also be utilised in our case. Moreover, we are addressing the contents of chapters 23 and 24 of the acquis in line with our key priorities, from which the aforementioned countries are conducting during their negotiation process.

The process of opening negotiations will also help in the capillary distribution of responsibility and peak performance on focus areas.

In this context, the next meeting of the EU-Albania High Level Dialogue to be held in Tirana on 24 March, should be used as a workshop in determining and orchestrating our next step towards a recommendation.

The new law just passed “for the work of the Parliament in the process of European integration” and the creation of the “National Council for European Integration” will strengthen the commitment of the Parliament in this process, making this a daily topic across the whole political spectrum.

The commitment and dedication at parliamentary level is essential to make it a process within all government levels and not just focused on executive links. We welcome your support and assistance in this regard.

Thank you!