Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Honorable leaders of the religious communities in Albania,

Honorable Ministers and Members of Parliament,

Dear Excellences,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honored to be here with you in this Iftar, of the holy month of Ramadan.
We are gathered here today not only to be close to each other, but to also praise those values which we, as Albanians, often take for granted. By this, I refer to the freedom of religion and religious harmony.

For centuries, Albanians have been characterized by a thirst for freedom. And among freedoms, no one has been as dear to us as the freedom of religion. Respect for the freedom of religion, has made us tolerant as well. For to understand your freedom, it also means to understand its limits; at the end it means to understand the others.

Sami Frashëri, one of the shining lights of the Albanian Renaissance, said that “Freedom is the essence of the soul and of the mind; where there is no freedom, the mind and soul wither as does a plant without water.”

The Albanian state, in its conception, on the 28th of November 1912 (nineteen twelve), had its Albanians sons as witnesses, Christians and Muslims alike. All together and united, for a better Albania. For a European Albania.

In order to be good Muslims and Christians, Albanians need a consolidated democratic state, an educated and developed society, so that religion can also have a place where it can be conceived and practiced.

Sadly, nowadays we witness how religion, this intimate spiritual relationship with the Creator, has become in many cases an instrument of divisions and war.

The value of coexistence and religious harmony has been entrenched into the Albanian soul for a very long time. What nowadays in many countries seems like an impossible project to achieve, has been successfully practiced here for centuries.

I – like most of my generation – come from a family who, despite not practicing faith, taught me all about the value of respect for another person’s faith.

My wife is Christian, and our family, like many other Albanian families, celebrates Christmas, Bayram and Easter.

This is our Albania. It has been and it is a European country, with Christians and Muslims, European in heart and mind. There are no divisions amongst us, no people from the East or the West.
Honorable guests,

The Muslim religion is an important part of our cultural heritage. Religion is neither a trend, nor fashion. It is an unwavering belief in the Creator. And believing in God only enriches the soul of the people.

Many non-practitioners think that Ramadan is only about avoiding food and drinks during the day. But the month of Ramadan is not only fasting for the body. First of all, it is a deeply spiritual time during which man strives to become a better person, to find inner peace and be closer to God.

President Obama rightly emphasized that “every faith is unique.  And yet, during Ramadan, we see traditions that are shared by many faiths:  Believers engaged in prayer and fasting, in humble devotion to God.  Families gathering together with love for each other. Neighbors reaching out in compassion and charity, to serve the less fortunate. People of different faiths coming together, mindful of our obligations to one another — to peace, justice and dignity for all people – men and women”.

With these words, let me wholeheartedly thank you for your presence,

God bless Albania and the Albanian people!