Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

After the publication in the media of some information that created uncertainty regarding the entry or movement inside the territory of Greece, The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, after official communication with the authorities of the neighboring country, informs the Albanian citizens as follows:

1. There is no change of the COVId-19 protocol for the entry or movement of Albanian Citizens in the Greek territory.

2. All vaccination certificated provided by the Albanian authorities are recognized and valid in Greece the same as before.

3. Rare cases of problems in reading these certificates from the respective systems in Greece are not related only to Albanian documents but it has been noted for citizens of different nationalities as well, living and working in Greece. These problems are related only to the functioning of this system, built and managed by the Greek structures.

4. Albanian citizens holding a vaccination certificates provided by the Albanian authorities, must download these certificates from e- albania account the same as before.

The only change to the rules for COVID – 19 published today by the Airport Civil Service of the Greek Republic is regarding the age of minors who must take the COVID test within 24 hours, before traveling within the Greek territory. The previous age group was 4-11 years old, while now with the new regulations the age limit is 4 to 17 years old.

Other rules and regulations remain unchanged, as follows:

Travelers to all destinations in Greece must meet one of the following conditions:

To be fully vaccinated at least 14 days prior to entry into Greece and present vaccination certificate. The European digital certificate Covid-19 is acceptable. Submit the infection certificate which is provided 30 days after the first positive test and which is valid 180 days after that.
Flight passengers inside Greece, who have not been vaccinated must have a negative PCR test result, taken within 72 hours of departure day, or a rapid test 48 hours before the flight departure. Minors from 4 to 17 years old can travel by plane even with a rapid test taken within 24 hours.

These certificates can be presented either in printed from the platforms or HTTPS://SELF-TESTING.GOV.GR, or in digital form at the same time with identity control.

Foreign nationals entering Greek territory may present a vaccination certificate or proof of infection or negative test in Greek, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, or Russian. A necessary condition is that the document is provided by a public authority in compliance with the domestic legislation. If these checks have been carried out abroad and are valid at the time the passengers aboard the aircraft, these certificates are accepted under the same conditions as their entry into Greece.

For any possible information related to the rules of movement in EU countries and not only, please check the special section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: