Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The 10th of December, International Human Rights Day, represents a special moment for reflection and re-engagement. Human rights constitute a cornerstone of our foreign policy and our diplomatic action.

Albania, in the framework of UN Sustainable Development Goals, as a pilot country for the implementation of Objective 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, is fully commited to consolidate the rule of law as the only guarantee that all citizens of this country, without any distinction, enjoy the fundamental human rights.

Albania has consistently joined the family of countries in the forefront of human rights enforcement, mainly in the implementation of international acts focusing on the rights of women and girls, minorities and disadvantaged groups, and violent extremism. This year, an indicator of this determination is also the adoption of the Action Plan for the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security.

As a candidate country for European Union membership, Albania is deeply committed to improve the enforcement of human rights and freedoms, to increase the access to public services for all citizens, as well as to promote and guarantee the protection of the rights of Albanians living abroad.