Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Mr. Chairperson, distinguished colleagues,

We knew it would happen and yet the start of Russia’s military attack on Ukraine today came as a surprise to many. Because although we knew, we still hoped that the Russian leadership would at the last moment find reason, it would at the last moment refrain from taking such a tragic, such a horrific step. We condemn this aggression in the strongest terms, but unfortunately words fail to convey the depth of our dismay, anger and pain.

But what words also fail to convey with the proper strength is our commitment, how united all of Europe and all the world is today against this act of illegal aggression against a sovereign state in the heart of Europe.

And make no mistake this is not just an attack on Ukraine, this is an attack on the security architecture of Europe, on the international rules based order. That same ruled based order that is the foundation of the peaceful coexistence in Europe ever since the end of the Second World War. Ever since the end of another war that caused untold pain and suffering, initiated by yet another dictator bent on reversing perceived historical grievances and restoring former glory to his collapsed empire.

The world today stands on just such a moment. But I am happy to see that differently from then, there is to be no Munich moment this time and the democratic world is united as one against this illegal act of aggression against an independent sovereign country based on false pretenses of genocide. False pretenses as shown by the Special Monitoring Mission whose findings are refuted by Russia today not because it has any arguments or facts to offer, but simply based on cooked up fake news and allegations.

The responsibility for this tragedy unfolding before our eyes lies with Russia’s leadership, but unfortunately the consequences will impact the lives of millions of innocent people in Russia and Ukraine. The Russian leadership should take a moment to look at the terror in the eyes of ordinary citizens cowering in subway stations, in the eyes of Ukrainian children who are guilty of no more than being borne in a country whose existence Russia’s leadership cannot swallow, and try to understand the horrific consequences of their illegal actions.

The attack against Ukraine is a crime. There is no other word for it. Full stop.

That’s why, the response of the OSCE participating States and of the international community, as a whole, must be firm, coordinated and with immediate consequences. We cannot, must not, and will not escape this international responsibility.

Our principal efforts, at this moment, should be to protect human life. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine, including OSCE personnel.

Albania reiterates its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, including Crimea and its territorial waters.

At this critical juncture, in close coordination with our partners, we will take all the necessary actions and continue to stand in solidarity with Ukraine, its people and its government, in the OSCE, the European Union, NATO, the UN Security Council, and all other international forums.

I kindly request this statement be attached to the journal of this meeting.

Thank you!