The 40th Session of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation was held in Paris today.
Issues debated in the course of the Conference were especially relevant to the importance of education, and cultural heritage, and historical legacy conducive to the development of open and prospering societies.
In his speech, Minister Cakaj confirmed that Albania supports the reforms carried out by UNESCO for the modernisation and strategic transformation of the Organisation so as to ensure application, protection, and promotion of its basic principles in a better and more effective way.
Firmly believing in global commitment so as to cope with the challenges, at the Conference Minister Cakaj dwelt on Albania’s contribution and full commitment to the UNO system itself, including UNESCO, for a better, more peaceful, and safer world also through education, communication, preservation, and development of the values of cultural heritage, both national and international.
Concerning the membership of the Republic of Kosovo in UNESCO, in a Facebook post Minister Cakaj wrote that, ‘We highlighted the absolute need for the Republic of Kosovo to join UNESCO! We denounced Serbia’s disinformation campaign against Kosovo, and once again made it clear that Albania will spare no effort to ensure that the Republic of Kosovo becomes a member of the UNESCO!’
Cakaj stated that denial of Kosovo’s application was an historic mistake.
‘This Conference would have been richer and more wide-ranging if the Republic of Kosovo had been present today,’ the Head of Albanian diplomacy underlined.
Albania will spare no effort to ensure Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO. This is a reality that may be postponed, but that can never be avoided.