Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Gent Cakaj underlines that the Poznań Summit must in conclusion send a powerful message that in October accession talks must be opened for Albania.

While attending the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs from the Western Balkan states with the Ministers from the EU Member States, supporters of the Berlin Process, Cakaj asks that the participating countries must clearly state their position in support of the opening of the accession negotiations for Albania.

Cakaj states that the development platform conducive to regional cooperation cannot replace the EU enlargement process in the Western Balkans.

Acting Minister Cakaj writes on Facebook that the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs at Poznań of Poland focussed on two principal topics:

‘Regional cooperation in the interests of integration into the EU and empowering the civil society as an inalienable instrument to help foster regional interaction,’ Cakaj writes.

He states that initiatives such as RYCO and the Western Balkans Fund are having a very positive impact on the interethnic reconciliation process across the Balkans. Acting Minister also greets the other achievements in the framework of regional cooperation.

‘The agreement on reduction in the roaming costs, the recognition of diplomas and academic qualifications and other initiatives conducive to technological and digital skills will have considerable impact on the overall professional development and thorough customs interaction at a regional level,’ he writes.

Cakaj states that, as well as being an added value, inclusion of the civil society in the interest negotiating structures is a fundamental obligation on the path towards Europe.