Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

During his stay in Berlin, the Acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs held meetings with the Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, at the same time the CDU / CSU Rapporteur for Albania in the Foreign Affairs Committee, Christian Schmidt, as well as the Rapporteur for Albania in the Committee for European Affairs in the Bundestag, Manuel Sarrazin.

“We both appraised the great progress that Albania has made in fulfilling the main obligations for holding the First Intergovernmental Conference, starting from the electoral reform to the fight against organized crime and corruption.” – said Cakaj via a Facebook post.

Also, during the meetings, the work done in fulfilling all obligations on the European path was positively evaluated and it was ensured that this work will continue at an increased pace. Albania, as Chief Diplomat Cakaj points out in the post, already enjoys all the technical, institutional and political capacity to further advance in the process of EU membership talks.

“Thankful to Germany for its continued commitment to EU enlargement in the Western Balkans and its unstinting support for Albania in all circumstances.” – concluded Cakaj.