Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs


Good morning Minister, What do you think of the perspectives for the EU Integration in Albania?

Minister Bushati: I think we have done a considerable progress over the past months and now there is a clear horizon for Albania and also for our neighbor. There is also a timetable. We have started the screening process which is going to give us a great opportunity for the transformation of our institutions, also for the reforms. It’s also a great opportunity to take part in the “Gymnich format” because we will discuss today the effects of multilateralism and also the security environment in our region having into consideration last developments after the agreement between Athens and Skopje, the dialogue process that is going on between Kosovo and Serbia and also other relevant events in our region.

What do you think about the idea for “land swap” between Kosovo and Serbia

Minister Bushati: Firstly it is important to encourage the continuation of the dialogue process between  both presidents. This is a very painful and delicate process. EU and High Rep. Mogherini is facilitating this dialogue. It is also important to review the engagement of both sides and to what has been delivered into these processes especially in areas related to energy, to the connectivity, to the mutual recognition of diplomats, to the roaming tariffs which in a certain way are keeping at limbo not only Kosovo and Serbia but the whole region. It is also important to encourage this process that hopefully will be finalized with mutually recognition agreement and legally binding agreement that will provide more democratic stability for our neighborhood. It is also important to reconfirm through this dialogue process the main pillars of the engagement and the principles of the Euro Atlantic family in our region.

Thank you.