Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The Horizontal Instrument for the Western Balkans and Turkey is a co-operation initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe for Southeast Europe. Measures under the HF are mainly funded by the EU (85%) and co-financed (15%) and implemented by the Council of Europe.

The European Union and the Council of Europe through HF assist the beneficiary countries in South East Europe in meeting the standards of the Council of Europe and the European Union in the enlargement process, covering four areas: ensuring justice, the fight against economic crime, the fight against discrimination and protection of the rights of vulnerable groups, freedom of expression and the media.

During the first phase (2016-2019) our country was a beneficiary in seven specific projects with a budget of 4.75 million Euros, in the fields of justice, judicial services, prison system, fight against economic crime, education, anti-discrimination, vulnerable groups, the rights of national minorities.

The second phase of the HF (2019-2022) aims to support reforms in four areas: Ensuring justice; war against corruption; fight against discrimination and human rights; freedom of expression and the media, which are priority areas for both organizations. Compared to the first phase, commitments have been increased, and the budget has been increased from 25 million euros to 41 million euros.

More information can be found on the following links: