Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Foreign Ministers of the Visegrád Group and Western Balkan countries met in Bratislava to discuss cooperation prospects, and the European perspective of the countries in our region.

Additionally, the meeting centred around the powerful political support at this moment from the Visegrád Group countries to the opening of negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia, and the visa liberation for Kosovo, and the advance of integration overall.

In his speech, Acting Minister Gent Cakaj pointed out that Albania has made extraordinary progress in moving priorities forward, and deserves that negotiations be launched.

Likewise, he underlined that Albania considers the political dialogue and regional cooperation as one of the key elements that helped unite the region, and get it started on the right path towards European integration.

On the other hand, Acting Minister acknowledged that it is crucial for the European Union to take concrete actions being instrumental in assuring its commitment towards the Western Balkan countries, so as to help maintain the motivation, the pace of reforms, and the economic and social prosperity.

The Head of the Albanian diplomacy expressed appreciation for the support provided by the Visegrád Group countries, both through the political dialogue, and concrete projects.