Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

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Albana Agastra – Adviser

Albana Agastra Qehajaj has held the position of Advisor to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs since January 2021.

He graduated in Language and Literature at “Alexandre Xhuvani” University (2001) and completed his Master’s studies (communication science) at the University of Tirana, Faculty of History – Philology.

She has 20 years of experience in the field of media and communication, as a reporter, editor-in-chief and news director in the visual media. She also has a long working experience in public administration, where she mainly covered institutional communication, media and public relations, as an advisor in the Ministry of Urban Development and the Ministry of Defense.

She knows the languages: English, French and Italian.

Key portfolio areas include:

  • Communication strategy;
  • Foreign relations (NATO, EU, Security Council)
  • Relations with the media and the public;
  • Social media