Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Thank you President Burkhalter for organizing this event and the opportunity to briefly share some thoughts. I think we all have spent a lot of time during this week talking and exchanging about threats to the international peace and security, therefore, I will be brief and make a couple of points:

First: the dramatic events in Ukraine have shaken our belief that, out of a history full of wars and conflicts, international law has gradually become a secure shelter for States,. Decades of hard work have materialized the desire of states to live in harmony, mutual respect and understanding. The UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act and Paris Charter, the very foundations of OSCE among others provide for relations among states based on peace and cooperation, otherwise, to borrow your words at the GA, the supremacy of law over war. Unfortunately, Ukraine crisis suddenly brought us up to reality, that sad reality when the bigger, stronger and mightier neighbour rewrites the rules of the game at his pleasing. No surprise to hear some eminent voices speak of the dissolution of what we know as world order.

The violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is a serious breach of international law and a challenge to the security of the continent.

Second: the crisis in Ukraine has challenged the OSCE responsiveness and capability to fulfil its role and mandate. Thanks to its broad inclusiveness internal capacities, OSCE has risen to the challenge by assuming a leading role in the international efforts to bring stability and peace in Ukraine. We commend the work of the OSCE Chairman in Office and of the OSCE, support their role, initiatives and approach on Ukraine crisis and other efforts for a diplomatic solution. Albania is part of the international efforts to bring peace and legality in Ukraine. We have not only financially contributed to the Special Monitoring Mission, but also participated in various OSCE actions.

Third: due to the dynamics of the Ukraine crisis and other crisis in the European neighbourhood, European security has deteriorated and the complexity of the situation imposes the necessity to rebuild and preserve peace through cooperative efforts. Our joint efforts should aim at ensuring that threats to security, democracy, rule of law and human rights in Europe do not recede the valuable progress we have made in recent decades.

Despite differences over Ukraine and other major issues of European security, we all agree that there is a considerable amount of common interests to build upon. Reconsolidating European security as a common project will require a genuine debate, including those on which we disagree. Most of all it needs real and strong political will to continue cooperating even in the absence of consensus on some of the strategic questions.

Finally, Mr. President, OSCE should remain a forum for cooperation and political dialogue between Atlantic states and Eurasian space, an umbrella under which come together east and west of the European continent. OSCE should maintain its flexible features and informal organization, which provide its reaction speed and effectiveness. Further, we should find appropriate mechanisms to rationalize the work of the decision-making bodies and monitor more closely the implementation of the commitments made by Participating States, particularly in the human dimension. We see this as an important conflict prevention aspect.

Thank you.