Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

The 11th meeting of the Stabilisation and Association (SA) Committee between Albania and the European Union took place on 9 December 2020 in Tirana (videoconference). The meeting was opened by H.E. Mr Zef Mazi, Chief Negotiator for EU Integration of Albania and by Ms Genoveva Ruiz Calavera, Director for the Western Balkans at the Directorate General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission. Ms Adea Pirdeni, Deputy Minister of Justice of Albania and Ms Michela Matuella, Head of Unit for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Commission, co-chaired the meeting.

The SA Committee took stock of progress in SAA implementation as well as of the most important developments of the past year in the areas of rule of law, public administration reform, trade, economic development, agriculture and fisheries, industry and internal market, innovation and culture, social policy, transport, energy, environment and climate change. Implementation of the EU financial assistance was also reviewed. The SA Committee highlighted the important pledges mobilised for earthquake reconstructions and the timely support for COVID-19 urgent needs and recovery.

The Commission welcomed the positive trend of continuous progress that Albania achieved in all areas over the year. Albania is close to meet all conditions due prior to the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Conference of accession negotiations. The Commission commended the electoral reform adopted on 23 July in line with the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations. The SA Committee reviewed the state of play of its practical implementation. The Commission highlighted the good overall progress made in implementing the justice reform and welcomed that the vetting process continued. It urged the competent authorities to complete the outstanding appointments to the Constitutional Court.

The Commission welcomed the commitment shown by Albania in fighting organised crime and corruption. The Commission took positive note that new specialised bodies in the area of anti-corruption and organised crime have been established and started to operate. The SA Committee reviewed progress in remaining recruitments to the National Bureau of Investigations. The Commission noted that the number of police operations, including jointly with EU Member States, targeting organised crime groups increased and that important arrests and indictments took place. Progress in implementing the FATF action plan was also discussed and the Commission stressed the importance of further intensifying the fight against money laundering. The Commission recalled that the overall track record of investigations, prosecution and convictions in organised crime and corruption cases, in particular in high-level cases, must be further strengthened.

Furthermore, the Commission welcomed the good cooperation in addressing common migratory and security challenges and praised Albania for having established working agreements with all EU justice and home affairs agencies.
The Commission and Albania agreed on the importance of continuing to address the phenomenon of unfounded asylum applications, which requires continuous close cooperation with Member States of destination.
On fundamental rights, the Commission welcomed the adoption of the census law and encouraged its implementation. The Commission underlined that the remaining by-laws on protection of minorities should be swiftly adopted. Albania’s renewed commitment to ensure that legislation related to the media would be in line with the Venice Commission Opinion and international standards, was further noted. The Commission welcomed the nomination of the Observer of Albania in the Management Board of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights.

The SA Committee noted with satisfaction Albania’s continued cooperation and full alignment with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy as well as its continued active participation in missions and operations under the Common Security and Defence Policy. Albania’s engagement in regional cooperation was welcomed.

Economic and taxation policy was discussed, including recovery and development plans, as well as and medium term fiscal strategy, and the VAT exemption threshold. On agriculture and fisheries discussions focused on rural development planning, agriculture registers, and food safety, as well as fishing vessel monitoring. Progress in EU approximation in the area of internal market was reviewed, including public procurement and state aid control. The SA Committee discussed the education strategy and funding, digital skills, cybersecurity and innovation and the Horizon research programme, as well as culture and historical heritage, and dialogue between social partners. Discussion also covered regional and cohesion policies, connectivity, including rail transport, as well as flag state control, energy efficiency and renewables, environment including water and waste management, and climate change.