Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development


The community-led local development strategy (click here) is approved by the GVV General Assembly and approved in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development only after it is proven that it contains at least the following elements:

a) the number of inhabitants and the definition of the area to which it applies;

b) the analysis of development needs and the competitive potential of the area, including the analysis of strong aspects, weaknesses, opportunities and risks in the development of the area;

c) description of the strategy and its objectives, description of its innovative and integrated characteristics and a hierarchy of objectives, including measurable objectives for results. In relation to results, objectives can be expressed in quantitative or qualitative terms;

ç) description of the comprehensive process of the “LEADER” area community during its preparation;

d) the action plan, which defines the concrete actions that are implemented to achieve its objectives;

dh) the description of the management and monitoring rules of the strategy, the ability of the GVV structure to implement the strategy, as well as the description of the detailed rules for evaluating its implementation;

e) the financial plan for the implementation of the strategy, as well as the sources of its financing. The Minister can recommend the reconsideration of the strategy approved by the Assembly regarding its completion with the elements defined according to the Law.

The strategy should have the following structure:

Introduction: A brief description of the situation of the GVV, the number of inhabitants and the definition of the area to which it applies is given. Analysis of the development needs and competitive potential of the area, including the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks in the development of the area. Identifying problems, causes, arguing the need for intervention.

Legal and Institutional Background: Information on |Court Registration, Incorporation Act and Updated Status. The decision-making and executive bodies are detailed. The role of public authorities is reflected.

Strategy vision and mission: Strategy description. Clear vision and mission. Description of the inclusive process of the “LEADER” area community during its preparation.

Indicators: What will be the impact of the strategy/groups that will be affected/how will it be affected in economic, social and environmental aspects. Determination of SMART indicators.

Purpose of the policy and specific objectives: What are the aims of the policy and its objectives, description of its innovative and integrated characteristics and a hierarchy of objectives, including measurable objectives for the results to be achieved.

Priority measures: Determining the concrete measures that are expected to be implemented by the GVVs, in the given territory, within a given period of time and a given budget.

Action plan, budget and coordination: Drawing up the action plan, which defines the concrete actions that will be implemented for the realization of its objectives and the achievement of results

Monitoring Plan and Risk Mitigation: Description of the management and monitoring rules of the strategy, as well as description of the detailed rules for evaluating its implementation.

Financial plan: Drafting of the financial plan for the implementation of the strategy, as well as the sources of its financing.